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PLEASE read FIRST STEPS before continuing.

As explained elsewhere, I believe that both our life and our liberty is at risk. However, I also believe that if we withdraw our support for the people and projects that are ultimately driven by fear, greed, and total control (those who lack integrity); and instead, identify and support projects that are driven by genuine love, personal restraint, and universal freedom (those who have integrity), we can rapidly create an ever-better world.

With these things in mind (as well as other things I have mentioned elsewhere), I would like to propose a potentially effective and efficient course of action in two parts: "What Not To Do" and "What To Do".


1) Do not attack, bully, or belittle those who differ from you (including in opinion only).

If members of your "herd" continuously behave badly, find a better "herd"; or better yet, stop being a "sheep".

2) Do not believe what you see, hear, or read (no matter the source) without taking the time to personally research and confirm every single detail of the truth.

If the summaries and interpretations offered by the influencers and leaders of your "herd" are continually dishonest, you know what to do.

3) Do not naively invest and risk your health, reputation, energy, time, money, and other resources in peaceful assembly, free speach, groups and organizations, personal influence, etc.

To be specific:

    a) Know that any investment in life and liberty protecting "Peaceful Assembly" is extremely risky.

    Why? Because "the powers that be" know that all they have to do to destroy your "peaceful assembly" and your reputation; is to hire "professionals" to show up (offline or online), pretend to be part of your "peaceful assembly", and then destroy it with dishonest, deceptive, threatening, and violent words and actions. If you don't think this happens quite frequently, you've got some depressing research to do.

    b) Know that any investment in life and liberty protecting "Free Speech" is extremely risky.

    Why? Because there are few places that you can gather (especially online) to discuss life and liberty threatening issues that aren't actively being monitored and censored by "the powers that be". Anyone who has ever tried to express ideas that run counter to the unofficially enforced point of view knows that the closer you get to discussing the most powerful (threatening) truths, the more quickly you are censored and potentially banned altogether. Also, as described above, any genuinely powerful (threatening) discussion is almost guaranteed to be hi-jacked and corrupted by paid "professionals". Again, if you don't think this is happening, you've got some more depressing research to do.

    c) Know that any investment in a life and liberty protecting group or organization is extremely risky.

    Why? Because, just as described in the previous examples, if your group or organization actually has a chance of being effective and efficient; it will be infiltrated, hi-jacked, distorted, discredited, and destroyed by paid "professionals". Again, serious research will confirm my assertion.

    d) Know that any investment in life and liberty protecting "personal influence" is extremely risky.

    Why? Because, again, if you actually begin to gain significant influence, you are very likely to discover that your reputation is suddenly being publicly attacked by paid "professionals" who will manufacture and distribute lies about you (and those you strategize with). Never forget that mainstream media creates mainstream beliefs! If this age-old practice fails, it is likely that you (and those you strategize with) will be privately attacked in ways too varied and imaginative to quantify; with the hope that you (and those you strategize with) will retract, implode, or explode in a way that will destroy your credibility and your efficacy. Your online identify might even be hi-jacked or otherwise falsified and used in destructive ways. If all of these attacks fail and you are perceived to be a significant enough threat; you will finally be murdered via "apparent suicide", heart attack, sudden illness, accident, etc.


For all of the reasons mentioned above in section 3, you must act primarily alone and according to your own integrity, intelligence, knowledge, and wisdom. The self-defensive war for integrity, truth, wisdom, life, liberty, and love will not be won with guns in the streets (you will lose such a war); it can only be won by an infinity of people acting alone (in many, but not all, cases) from a place of benevolence, integrity, intelligence, knowledge, wisdom, divine intuition, and love. Without integrity, intelligence, knowledge, and wisdom; we have no hope. So, first, make sure that you do everything you can to embody these characteristics. Only then, can you hope to accurately and effectively defend truth, wisdom, life, liberty, and love. Your personal integrity is critical!

Note: Once we have tipped the balance of power from those who lack integrity to those who have integrity (being optimistic); we can again benefit from free speech, peaceful assembly, benevolent groups and organizations, and benevolent personal influence. This will, obviously, radically increase our ability to create an ever-better world.

With these things in mind, I propose the following course of action:

1) Know what you want (and don't want).

Take the time required to determine for yourself what you value most, and what you believe is most threatening to those things. Hopefully, you will agree that truth, wisdom, life, liberty, and love are among your highest values; and that those who lack integrity are the greatest threats to those things; but it is fine with me if you don't.

Don't be distracted by fear or anger driven emotional intensity (your own or others). It will only lead you astray.

A word of warning: If you decide to believe what untrustworthy others proclaim are our collective highest values and biggest threats; you may be serving and empowering your real enemy, and threatening the health and happiness of our world. This is not critical thinking. This is hypnosis. Have you been gradually hypnotized?

2) Actively nurture what you want.

If you agree with me, please consciously and intentionally protect and nurture integrity, truth, wisdom, life, liberty, and love with your every thought, word, and action. In any event, nurture your own truth; whatever it is.

In order to strengthen something, you need only provide that thing with ample amounts of whatever it is that nurtures it. In social matters, it is usually attention alone. If it is something that requires money to thrive, you must find effective ways to comprehensively finance it. If it requires human employees, they must have the courage and commitment to serve (with or without pay).

A word of warning: If you decide to nurture what untrustworthy others proclaim are our collective highest values; you may be serving and empowering your real enemy, and threatening the health and happiness of our world. This is not critical thinking. This is hypnosis. Are you inadvertently a "Useful Idiot"?

Do you want to actively nurture the creation of an ever-better world?

THE ALLIANCE FOR A BETTER WORLD: Working Together for One and All

Working Together for One and All


3) Actively starve what you don't want.

If you agree with me, please consciously and intentionally stop facilitating every individual and group that facilitates deception, lying, cheating, stealing, destruction, restriction, enslavement, and murder. Said more simply; please stop working for them, stop buying from them, stop selling to them, stop lending to them, and stop supporting them in every way. In other words, starve them. NOW!!!

In order to weaken something; you need only deprive that thing of whatever it is that nurtures it. In social matters, it is usually attention alone. If it is something that requires money to thrive, you must find effective ways to comprehensively deprive it. If it requires human employees, they must have the courage and commitment to quit and find other employment.

A word of warning: If you decide to starve what untrustworthy others proclaim are our collective biggest threats; you may be serving and empowering your real enemy, and threatening the health and happiness of our world. This is not critical thinking. This is hypnosis. Do you carelessly support "Cancel Culture"?

Another word of warning: If you are willing to deprive others (individuals or organizations) simply because they have perspectives and opinions that differ from yours, you are a threat to life, freedom, and love. If you want to help create a truly ever-better world, you must deprive only those individuals and organizations that you personally know (with 100% certainty) are willing to deceive, lie, cheat, coerce, steal, injure, or destroy to get (and keep) what they want.

An extra note for critical thinkers: I am sure that you recognized that there is an important exception to the idea that one should never be willing to deceive, lie, cheat, coerce, steal, or destroy in order to get (and keep) what they want. It is when it is absolutely necessary in order to defend (keep) life or freedom. I have omitted this in order to emphasize other ideas that are presently far more important. As you know, many people have been deeply and profoundly conditioned to falsely believe that many things are life or freedom threatening; and that they should use any and every means available to serve the hidden agendas of their influencers. Obviously, this kind of false belief is an essential requirement for false division and contrived civil war. So, from my perspective, the first and most essential step is to help people become able to separate fact from fiction for themselves. If this doesn't happen, we are doomed.

4) Stand up for integrity, common sense, life, liberty, love... and, ultimately, for each other.

Continuously stand up for integrity, common sense, life, liberty, love... and, ultimately, for each other in every situation we find ourselves in and in every opportunity we recognize or create.

As an example, I propose that if any country restricts any irrationally targeted individual or group in any way, every person on the planet should voluntarily take on that same restriction as a peaceful protest similar to a "hunger strike". In other words, if any restrictions are imposed that are based solely on irrational criteria, all people should take on those same restrictions until the restriction is rescinded. For example, if the targeted aren't allowed to shop; no one shops. If the targeted aren't allowed to leave their home; no one leaves their home.

This is no joke. Tyranny is upon us and the only way to defeat it is to continuously stand up for integrity, common sense, life, liberty, love... and, ultimately, for each other in all matters (including political, religious, racial, gender, vaccination status, etc.). We must do our best to remained united and live with conscious wisdom, courage, and love rather than hypnotic indoctrination, fear, and anger.

Please dedicate some time every day to ask yourself what actions you can take that very day to help create the world you want to live in. Find or create opportunities to help that are based on your natural abilities and desires.

COLLECTIVE PERSONAL INTEGRITY in thought, word, and action is the most powerful weapon of collective self-defense that we have. It is also the most powerful asset that we could ever have in the creation of an ever-better world. If you value truth, wisdom, life, liberty, love, and an ever-better world; I beg you to commit to the course of action I have proposed, or to a course of action that you truly believe is superior.

Make no mistake: our future health and happiness is gravely threatened.
Time is of the essence and your help is desperately needed.

Your thoughts, words, and actions will create our future!

You have the power!



Defending Life & Liberty with Integrity, Wisdom, Love

Copyright 2020-2022 Soren Sorensen. All rights reserved.

The Alliance for a Better World

Working Together for One and All